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My story begins many years ago in the sleepy town of Vryheid in Kwa-Zulu Natal. As one of five children and the only daughter of my parents, I grew up in a home that I can only describe as Ein Gedi, an oasis.

It was a place that people came to for advice, encouragement, help, refuge and even just for a weekend away from home. It wasn’t the house itself that drew them to spending time in our home, it was because of the parents, Mike and Liz Richardson.

And as a young girl there were two things I knew I wanted to do when I grew up. I wanted be a blessing to others and to make an impact in their lives.

I saw my parents living this out on a daily basis and knew that it was what I wanted to mirror. Added to that my parents were and still are business people. So, I witnessed in them a remarkable desire to build and leave a legacy. They worked hard, were very innovative and always gave their best. And they were also very generous...especially with their time. Time that they invested in people. In hindsight I believe that going into entrepreneurship was inevitable. My parents’ gifts and talents were clearly visible because they used them effectively in the marketplace.

After taking up various positions within the private sector, I made the decision to finally embark on a journey into entrepreneurship. I believed that the time was right and made sure to do the research. I had a dream, and it was finally time to take a leap of faith and see what could happen. That is when the vision of Pink Lemon came to life.

What initially started out as an event company focused on business events, quickly evolved into something more. I became aware of a need to empower women on a greater level than just getting them to attend events. In making the decision to shift focus and be more geared towards the holistic development of female entrepreneurs, I realized that what I wanted to do was make a bigger impact in a more sustainable way. As a self-professed ‘Cheerleader of Dreams’ I wanted the opportunity to set others up to win! Particularly those who like myself were starting out and needed the tools, resources, and community necessary for building a business. I strongly believe that when a woman is given the opportunity to flourish, she can accomplish great things!

Starting a business can be very isolating. As exciting as it is to start something new, the prospect of figuring everything out on your own can be somewhat daunting. So after numerous conversations with various women, I realized that for business owners to thrive, we have to be in community with others. We need to foster the right networks and support systems in order to build sustainable businesses. My vision is to accelerate and support the growth and development of women. To create a purpose driven platform that connects like-minded women and facilitate collaboration.

From the very beginning, when I made the decision to go into business, I knew that more than anything else I wanted to be a good steward of what God had entrusted me with.

I wanted to serve other in in excellence, be generous and reflect Christ in everything that I do. This has been a faith journey for me, one that has come with its own challenges. And my goodness have I faced challenges. From figuring out how to get the best market penetration, how to keep a healthy cash flow and how to remain authentic in a social media world.

I am learning a great deal about who I am and what I can handle, but with that being said I can honestly say that it has been the most thrilling time in my professional career. I have by no means even begun to reach the place I want to be, my story is still being written. But in the meantime, I continue to learn and grown. I have been exposed to so much. I have made and continue make mistakes, I fall and get up again. And that’s okay because I am certain of my purpose and the call on my life within the marketplace.

Starting a business has become a buzz word. It is often glamourized, but the reality is, it takes so much more than just having a dream. Along with that dream, you need to have a plan. It’s important to be certain of the vision you have and set your eyes on the goal, because you will be challenged in ways you never even thought possible. It takes diligence, perseverance and grit. It takes creating good habits that feed your body, mind and spirit Having a solid support structure that will share in the roller coaster ride that is associated with building a business, is invaluable.

I am blessed to have Hein, my purpose partner and incredibly supportive husband. I have a family that is always encouraging and cheering me on. But also, a wonderful group of friends who are running their own businesses, who are like-minded and know all about this journey.

The world is my oyster and the dreams I have are big and bold. Where I currently am at this stage is simply the tip of the iceberg. One of my favourite quotes that I have used to inspire others, written in many cards and emails and a reminder to myself to keep building is by Henry David Thoreau...” Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have always imagined.”

And may you do the same. May you live bolder, dream more and believe bigger. Believe that you have everything inside of you to accomplish all that God has purposed you to be.

Who is Reneë Beck ...

Reneë Beck is a reinvention strategist, business owner, speaker and mentor. Along with a Marketing Management Diploma and Certificate in Entrepreneurship Business Literacy she is also a certified Life Purpose Coach and Professional Workshop Facilitator. She is the visionary behind Pink Lemon, a women empowerment platform that seeks to accelerate the growth and development of women and girls in every facet of their lives. But those are her official roles.

At home, she is a wife to a very patient husband, Hein. They share their lives with two very rambunctious Jack Russels named Mickey and Barney.

She is a woman passionate about family, faith + business, journals, popcorn, coffee and helping women awaken to purpose, build their confidence and maximize their potential in every area of life. But at the heart of it all, she is a woman who loves Jesus and is pursuing her passion and doing all that she can to help others do the same.

Where to find Reneë Beck:

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