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Get-Togethers 2018 / 2019

29 november 2019 - gratitude

"So lift your hands and thank God for his marvelous kindness
and for all his miracles of mercy for those he loves.
How he satisfies the souls of thirsty ones
and fills the hungry with all that is good!"

Psalm 107:8-9


What an inspiring morning we had for our last Get-Together of 2019 of Gratitude, Appreciation, Love and celebrating the Goodness of God.  Mathilda Fourie, is a passionate Kingdom Daughter - a servant and apostle of God! She shared with us a powerful message and her journey of Gratitude. 


God is love, God is compassionate, God is faithful. God is GOOD!

19 september 2019 - 4 thieves of inner strengtH

Our guest speaker of the morning was the lovely Laetitia Dee of Laeatus Life Consulting and we were privileged to share her 30th birthday with her!


She shared with us her journey, her passion to impact, support and assist entrepreneurs in their journey in business and to see them successful.  


Her message to the women was to be unstoppable, to love themselves, to take care of themselves and to be the women God want them to be in their families and in the workplace!


This was an inspiring morning in the presence of amazing women and our Lord and Saviour!




Our guest speaker of this special morning was Thandeka Langa of Fabwarriors.


We all can rewrite the story of our lives.  Rahab did and she is in the Lineage of Grace and in the Hall of Faith!  


God has a purpose for our lives, not despite of it, but because of it!  


"God can bring peace to your past, purpose to your present, and hope to your future."

John 14:27


God had a plan with each lady present this morning!  To Him all the glory!




Our guest speaker of this special morning was Nicolene Steyn. 


What an amazing and blessed morning we had as Kingdom Daughters to honour and praise God!

We know that we have been assigned to the mountain in front of us, to show others that it can be moved! We are wonderful in every moment and we have to embrace the mountains we face!


“For I the Lord your God keep hold of your right hand; [I am the Lord], Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.” 
Isaiah 41:13 AMP


Thank You Lord that you showed up and that You had a divine agenda this morning.


All the glory to You, Lord!


Our guest speaker of this special morning was Linda Jacobs.  We celebrated love as Kingdom Daughters and the most amazing fact, that we are loved by God.  


We can try to seek out love from the world. We can try to prove to the world that we are worthy. Although at times the world may seem to fulfill us, in the end we will always feel empty.


In Ephesians 2:4-5 “But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions - it is by grace we have been saved.”


Jesus died for us. He thought each of us were worthy enough to die for.


Remember - You are loved!


