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With millions of people over the world, I entered 2020 with my plans in place, great ideas waiting to be implemented, dreaming of changing my world and adding joy to the life of my clients. And most importantly, putting my plans in action to place Santie Korf Photography Studio on the map - my big goal for this amazing 2020 waiting for me!

I pictured myself as that amazingly successful photographer, having her peers, clients and competitors in awe of her beautiful work! You see, for almost 8 years I have been trying everything I learnt, researched, Googled and practised to build a financially stable and thriving photography business. Every day I prayed to God to show me the way, pleading with Him to send clients – not only clients, but happy, paying clients. I believed that 2020 was going to be the year, the 20/20 vision year, my year.

And God had other plans for 2020, for me and for the world…

But God gave me Romans 8 as anchor for 2020.

On 5 January, I read verse 18: “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us”. As I lost my only child Marco in 2011 at the age of 11 years, my first thoughts were that God is referring to the loss of my child, knowing that we will meet again and celebrate the glory of the Lord’s kingdom. I read further, and verse 19 filled me with joy: “The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed”. I felt sure to be one of them, expecting to be blessed by our Father as one of His sons by ending the year financially strong and successful.

And then COVID -19 struck us. Suddenly, all my plans down the drain, all my shoots cancelled and contracts, on the brink of being signed, put on hold! And my hopes and dreams gone!! Where is God’s promise in this?

Lockdown came and everything came to an abrupt hold. Social media was now, more than ever, followed by everyone. Not even every day, but literally every minute news came in and we witnessed people starting to worry, getting anxious, asking questions, getting depressed. And above all, losing their income, jobs and businesses. Off course, I followed every post and read all the news reports. And once again, I wondered why God is letting this to happen now … where is my promise now? No work, no enquiries, no income.

But lots and lots of available time! And I thoroughly used the time … every day I was in front of my computer, doing research, attending numerous webinars and Zoom meetings, did online courses, enriched my skills. And, most of all, I used the time to grow closer to my Farther … spend valuable time with Him through Romans 8.

One day I read the following verses: 26 – 30.

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified”

I just could not stop reading those words, over and over again. Suddenly I knew, God used this down time to bring me to a place of stillness and calm. A place where He is, where I am called, justified and glorified. God asked me: “My daughter, you are so focus on building a successful business. What is success? Where is success? Is success all about the money?”

And He showed me that He kept His promise.

“My child, success is where I am. Success is the opportunity and ability I give you to take photos of people, showing them how beautiful and special they are. I send you happy clients for you to capture their valuable and special moments for them to treasure forever. You glorify Me by taking photos of My finely created landscapes, sunsets and sunrises, wildlife, sharing it with My children. Money does not define your success; I will provide, I will make sure your expenses will be covered every month and that you will have enough. YOU are My success!! You just need to live through the Spirit”

Who I am that our Farther thinks this highly of me, providing me with every ability and opportunity to be successful – successful in Him and not according to my and the world’s standards?

He is the Farther who “Did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all – how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” –Rom 8:32

2020 is not over.

God’s plans for me, and my business, are still in place. He is still putting everything in place to use me to glorify Him and to bless people with my photography – to be successful in and for Him. And should it be part of His plan, He will provide me with a financially stable business.

But until then, I will live in His spirit and glorify His name, every day!



Santie started her career as photographer in 2012 after 20 years in the corporate environment. She completed numerous training and specialised photography courses. Though she is passionate about Landscape, Fine art and Wild life photography, she currently focusses on Personal and Corporate Branding, Events (Corporate and Private), Lifestyle, Weddings and the True Beauty Body Positive project. She travels nationally and internationally to capture YOUR forever images.

Her work is widely published in publications like Weg tydskrif, Beeld, Modern Athlete, Pretoria News and featured on TV programs such as Kwela. She is the official photographer for successful entrepreneurs who uses her photos as cover and content photos for local and international magazines and books, as well as portfolio photos for local and international events. She is a team member of Confident Women in Business and active member of business groups like Woman of Stature and Capital City Business Chamber.

Santie believes that every person should experience and see how beautiful and talented God created them. All her clients are her best clients – she loves taking them on an unique photography journey while turning their Moments to Memories.

Where to find Santie Korf:

083 306 1654

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