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Extract from the Chapter, Goodbye Imposter,

Book “I am a Purposepreneur” ©

My dearest friend, if progression and growth is paused because of imposter syndrome, then here is a little perspective for you.

I often think of a baker. Yes, a baker. Bread has been around since forever! But every day the baker gets up, gets dressed and bakes. Then one day, a baker decides to add innovation to his skill and adds a few cranberries. Whala! A whole new bread and market for this lovely fruit-infused bread.

I have often times felt like an imposter! I am a Neurolinguistics Programming Practitioner and transformational coach, a skills influencer, motivational speakers and author. There are thousands of beautiful people in the word that carry those exact same titles. And that is why is don’t focus on mine. I am so much more than a tile!

The truth is, my fragrance is unique. My perspective in sharing a message will be different. My background, goals and vision are uniquely aligned with my God-given-purpose. My niche market is seeing women grow in business and purpose! And that alone, makes me break away from imposter syndrome.

My advice, just do the work that you can in the natural. Create your posts, record your blogs, vlogs or audiograms. Reach out in fear and make that call, connect the dots your heart is yearning for. Do the best work you can do in the natural.

“Often times as you are focusing on building your brand and business, God is helping you build your faith.”

I recently felt a prompting from the Holy Spirit that I was scheduling all my time on facilitating growth, but not on speaking engagements. I invited God into my marketing strategy and it was clear that I needed to create short, one minute audiograms. This was easy, as I had numerous conference recordings and all I had to do was insert these snippets.

Authentic marketing, no bells and now whistles. I used Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn as my platforms. Headliner is the software I purchased and it took me approximately fifteen minutes to create an image template that would be used for future audiograms.

Remember your look and feel must flow with your branding. Audacity is the free software I used to upload and trim my audio.

I posted an audiogram every three days, because my voice carried my message better than a written post, consistency is key! Within five of my campaign, I was booked to speak at three women’s day events and one event for business men. Since then the ebb and flow has been a natural momentum of growth, be it online summits, connects or conferences. When you act in obedience, blessing follows.

You are a vessel and God will guide and use you. Just start! When you partner your business planning with purpose and keep listening to God’s gentle guidance, you will be successful!

My friend, it is time for me to wrap up. Writing this book has been such a cathartic experience and one that I would recommend to anyone considering it. I have to date, mentored and guided half a dozen women in writing their stories, and their growth has been exponential. Tell your story, share your knowledge, and leave your legacy. Stop feeling inadequate when you scroll through LinkedIn and your ideas are different, stop comparing shares on Facebook and likes on Instagram. Oooooh, once you have made that breakthrough and released yourself from that toxic thought pattern, man! You are going to soar.

So now, I surrender myself, this book and the readers to an Almighty Father who is continually pruning, watering and yes, fertilising our destinies. ‘Who or what are you?’ has always made me feel uncomfortable and I know the real root of it all.

The saying, ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’, has been one that I have detested! This is the very reason why I would filter out my response, depending on the person asking. I am a wife, a mom, friend, NLP practitioner and coach, businesswoman, skills facilitator, motivational speaker, home-school educator and have been a bridal studio owner, photographer, marketing manager, adjudicator, and always be a Jesus girl. I am simply put, a Purposepreneur.

Never again, beautiful friend, are you going to feel like you are too much or too little. We look to Jesus and the way He walked and lived in purpose while being here on earth. Jesus was a friend, a son, a carpenter, a miracle worker, a healer and the list continues. God provided His Son with the wisdom, the talents and the favour that was needed in every situation.

I am not Jack, but I am a master of many things. I will continue to grow in God. Lovely, as you go on your journey and partner your business with purpose, God will continue to provide and guide you towards where you need to be.

Do not discount the natural gifts and talents God has given you. This can lead you to your greatest purpose. Please relinquish the hold the past has on you. If you are afraid to move forward in fear, because of past failures, the time to let go is now.

I have learnt more from my failures than I have from any of my successes.

Lovelies, endurance, grit and grace go hand in hand when you walk in faith and business. I would like to invite you to fall in love with your reality and keep moving forward. Reality is fantasy, but with all he hard work attached to it.

Fall in love with what you have here and now! You are more than enough to conquer the tasks and purpose you were designed for. Step out in vulnerability, it is the birthplace of creativity and strength.

In Genesis 1:27 we read that God created you in His image. You have to stand on this truth and promise. You were designed for greatness. You are enough for your assignment. You are loved. You are worthy! The same Spirit who raised the dead, is alive, and well in you. Now draw the line and take your stand, you are called to make a difference in the Kingdom. Every conversation, every email, every project and transaction is a testimony to this.

My lessons learnt were:

  • Never stop seeking opportunities to learn and to develop in your career and in yourself.

  • If you experience disquiet, don’t ignore it because of convenience.

  • Surround yourself with like-minded people. The whole, “Your tribe is your vibe” rings very accurate. I am blessed with a supportive husband and a group of friends who rally around me to see me succeed.

Let’s keep it real:

  • What does your authentic self-look like?

  • Do you know your Why?

  • Are there any inferior complexes that you are trying to hide because of lacking a skill?

  • Jot down a course or a skill that you would like to obtain, and the steps needed to achieve that. We all need an accountability partner, a visionary and an integrator who can guide and motivate you to mobilise your goals and your intentions. Visit my web should you wish me to journey and guide you:

  • Remember if it is not in your diary, it is merely a dream.

My Prayer Blessing for You: Develop a Teachable Spirit To Combat Imposter Syndrome

Lord, please guide this remarkable child of yours to be a successful woman who learns from You, her mentors, friends and colleagues. Lord, please fill her with a spirit of resilience and perseverance to keep learning, adjusting and growing. May she continue to take an interesting and listen to others, to celebrate her successes, big and small and delight in all the new discoveries. Lord, in your name, may she never buckle under imposter syndrome of be caught in the trap of comparison. She is enough in You as You like, love, follow and consistently comment and share into her life. You alone are the only follower that she needs. Lord may her heart continue to embrace a spirit of gratitude and worship. I thank you that I can pray this in the powerful and precious name of Jesus, Amen.

Anchored in Scripture

Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith

will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

Colossians 2:7 (NLT).

Yours in Growth,

Cherona D

The Book Blurb

The Why: “So, who or what are you, exactly? I inhale and feel the weight of the answer. Will I be too much or too little? You see, I do not have a set job description. I have grown, evolved, grown again and I have continued to do so. I don’t fit the traditional mould.”

'I am a Purposepreneur’ is Cherona’s first book and it is a goldmine packed full of priceless ingots for readers looking for inspiration, as well as those seeking guidance and practical tools to help them to progress in their business. Available at most book retailers including: Exclusive books and Bargain Books

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