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Get-Together #4 

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As women of God, we must embrace the fact that the Spiritual Realm is our God-given platform from which we dictate how our physical lives (business, family, etc) will be. It's time to engage that POWER and AUTHORITY that God has blessed us with to have dominion in every area of our lives.


The challenges we encounter in business have a solution in God. We don't fight our battles physically, NO we fight them spiritually, understanding that victory is already given to us through Jesus Christ!


"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV)

CWIB GET-TOGETHER 4Ps. Rochelle Kombou
00:00 / 30:38



Rochelle Kombou is a spirit-filled, dynamic Business Owner and Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Being a qualified Training and Development Specialist, she has managed a Training and Development Agency, Le femme Consulting for the past 20 years. Le femme Consulting is an accredited Training Provider, approved to deliver Entrepreneurship Training.  She also has Ministerial responsibilities in a well-known, Johannesburg-based, Mega Church that is known for flowing in The Prophetic and the Miraculous. She is not only a mother to her 3 biological children, but also has the privilege of discipling many women across the globe. This vocation is becoming more and more consuming and she loves every moment of it, so much so that she is working on evolving herself and her business into a coaching practice. She loves serving in the community she lives in and believes that serving God is possible in any environment one finds themselves in. 

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